Monday, November 30, 2009

What I heard on the radio...

I was listening to the radio in my car, when I heard a commercial:

Church is not a hotel for saints, it is a hospital for sinners.

I know, God speaks to me quite a bit thru the radio. That's ok...that's how we roll. And if you think about it, this doesn't seem very profound, until you really think about it.

If you read my post about fishbowls, you will understand how this relates. We cannot sit together holding hands, singing praises to the Lord. We are commanded to go out into the world, and save the lost. We are to find them and bring them into the church, teach them what God's word says, tell them how much He loves them....and help them go out and find more lost people. We are not to be contented to sit in our pews with each other in our happy little world. We are to go find those who need Jesus the most, and bring them in. We catch em, He cleans em. This is very true.

Casting Crowns has a new song out:

Lord I want to feel your heart
and see the world through your eyes
I want to be your hands and feet
I want to live a life that leads

ready yourselves
ready yourselves
Let us shine the light of Jesus in the darkest night
ready yourselves
ready yourselves
May the powers of darkness tremble as our praises rise
Until the whole world hears Lord we are calling out
Lifting up Your name for all to hear the sound
Like voices in the wilderness we're crying out
as the day draws near
we'll sing until the whole world hears

THIS is how we should think. Now, you think about that.....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clearplay DVD Player

Hello Friends!!!

Ok, with Christmas coming up, those with kids need new ideas. Well, at the Christian bookstore, you can get a Clearplay DVD Player on sale for around $80. "Why do I want this?", you ask.

First, for $5 a month, you subscribe to their filter website. They provide filters for movies and make them kid friendly. With a USB port, you download movie filters from their site and put it on the Clearplay. When you insert a DVD into the player, and select "watch with filter", it cleans up the movie for you. You can choose to watch a movie without a filter, but you need a password to do this. This protects your children from watching something bad when you are not around.

The clearplay allows you to set the filters as light or extreme as you would like. They have every movie imaginable. They do not have all the TV for Andy Griffith DVD's, I need a password. I do not mind is a small price to pay for clean movies.

The clearplay mutes out cuss words, deletes all sex scenes, and will delete any scenes that are the least bit inappropriate for kids.

Movies we could never watch, we now can.....we can watch The Bourne Supremacy without all the yucky stuff.

Now, for violent scenes, such as the Bourne Identity, it shows the fight scenes, but cuts out the actual killing and showing of the dead body. You can enjoy the plot of the movie, without having to subject yourself to the unnecessary gore.

I LOVE my clearplay, and consider it the best thing we to our Wii.

Think about that.....

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Oh, how He loves us so.....

Wednesday night at church, I sat behind a couple and their 9 month old little girl. She was a happy thing, and smiled at me each time I smiled at her. She was in her daddy's arms, and he was kissing her and loving her and whispering to her. I watched this tender scene our whole 30 minute praise and worship time.

God impressed upon my heart this: that is how HE is towards us. He puts His arms around us, He kisses us, and He whispers to us. God loves us way more than that daddy could ever love that baby....and he loved his little girl a lot.

God thinks of me as His little girl still to this day. He still wants the best for me. I cried as God spoke to my heart that night. There are days I ask God to help me feel Him. And He does. The next time you see a child with a parent, think about that......

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Psalm 100

Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
It is He who made us, and we are His.
We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving and
His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him and praise His name.
For the Lord is good and His love endures forever.
His faithfulness continues through all generations.

I love this. I looked up thanks in my trusty thesaurus:to express gratitude, grateful, obliged, indebted to, appreciation, acknowledgement to, tender thanks to, bless.

Then, I looked up praise: good words, compliments, approval, acclaim, regard, respect, esteem, tribute, extol, exalt, revere, celebrate

Those are amazing words to describe how we are to approach God. When was the last time you just told Him "thank you" ? I believe that God is a happy God, otherwise it would not be the Joy of the Lord being our strength.
God is good. He loves us so much. Sit with Him today and just love Him and tell Him thanks.
Think about that......