Ok, I have decided to do some article writing for Examiner.com. I will do some Christian book reviews because I am such a bookworm, and I will do a Christian mom set because I am one....and because God gives me such random thoughts, all of which I can tie into living the best life He has for us.
A friend of mine, we tease each other about the random thing, but the truth is we both are random. God gives her random things that are totally different than mine... most of the time, so we have fun sharing.
Have you ever noticed some of your friends are carbon copies of you , and the rest are polar opposites? God does that to make our life fun. LOL
Back to Examiner. I have found out over the course of the last year that I like to write. I enjoy putting my thoughts down on paper and having others read them. I know it sounds narcissistic, but this is not an ego thing. God asked me to do it, so I did. I did not do any writing in school or college. God is using this opportunity to help my family make a little extra money, and to give me an outlet to let go of my random thoughts rolling aroung in the matrix of my mind.
So as I begin my adventure online, I will be sending out links to my articles. Please read them and give me feedback. Who knows, God may give me an idea to write about the very subject you have been wondering about. AND..if you want me to write on a particular topic, drop me a line.
As a last thought, remember that as you go out your front door, you are entering the Mission Field. You can either be a good example or a bad one...but you will be one or the other. Now, go think about that......