Worry is a waste of the imagination! Truly!!
When you worry, how does that change anything in your situation? How often when we worry, does it end up not being as bad as we thought? How many times when we have worried, have we been able to control that situation? So, this means worry is useless...a waste of time. Right?
In Matthew 6, we are told that God knows we need to eat and drink, and He knows we need clothes to wear. We are not to worry about them. (Matt 6:28-31)
Jesus asked who by worrying can add any cubits to his stature? --Matt 6:27
So, if Jesus said not to worry, why would we think we know better and worry anyway? If Jesus said not to do it, it makes it a sin.
"If then God so clothes the grass which today is in the field, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith." --Luke 12:28
This scripture is a repeat of the above one, only it adds the phrase, you of little faith. This would mean you cannot have faith and worry at the same time. They cancel each other out. So, you either worry about something, or you give it to God and have faith that He will work it out.
This is so simple, some of you will not believe that is all there is to it. But it is. God is not complicated. Have you ever seen the bumper sticker from the 1980's that read: God said it. I believe it. That settles it.
How true it is!! Jesus does not lie. If you feel you need to worry about anything, then that is the devil feeding you a lie and you are listening to him. STOP IT!! The devil is the father of lies. Hello???
James 4:7 says If you submit to God, and resist the devil...he HAS to flee from you.
The key there is if you submit to God. God has given you a way out.
So, stop worrying and start praying. When you give something to God, let go of it!! He can't handle it if you still have it in your own hands. Now, go think about that.....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Trust and Sign Language

Good news! Well, it is good news to me!
I am going to begin teaching sign language classes starting October.
It has been requested of me for a while now, but I could not fit it in. Well, the Lord has worked it all out. Now, I can begin teaching homeschoolers during the day when my own children are in school.
I am dividing the class up into two eight week sessions. Each class will meet once a week for 2 hours, and it is from older elementary to adult. I hope by April, to have two classes a week, a Part 1 and a Part 2. I will just need a location for the second class.
I have been wanting to send my kids to a private Christian school in the area, but needed the tuition. This class will help me with that. Thank you Lord for answered prayer.
When is the last time you said to God, "OK, Lord, I need this much money a month by this time. You work it out and let me know what to do. Thanks. I'll be waiting for Your answer." and then just trusted that God would indeed work it out?
God won't put a desire in your heart and then laugh because you can't work it out. If He puts a desire in your heart, He already knows how He is going to work it out. He just wants us to ask Him for help, then trust that just like a Daddy, He will fix it.
I cannot stress to you enough how much God loves you. Think about a person you love more than anyone else in the universe. God loves you a million times more than that. He loves you so much that had it been only you, He would have died on the cross for just you. Now, you think about that...
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