We have a Nintendo Wii. We got it for Christmas, mostly because I wanted it. I will say it is some of the best money we have ever spent. We purchased 4 Wii-motes, so the whole family can play at the same time. Even my 5 year old beat me in bowling. (sad, but true) Actually, for a while, she beat us ALL.
This is what I have noticed. The more you play, the "better" you get. At a certain point, you obtain what they call PRO status. That is when your game changes. All of a sudden, the game expects you to play better. Your "ability" to play changes in the games computer. And, when you play the computer, they put you against players at a PRO status. It's not so easy anymore.
Ok, so God does this to. Luke 12:48 says "For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more."
Wow. So now we know Wii is biblical, right? Sorta.
I had a problem not too long ago with my business checking account. A close friend of mine reminded me to get it together. She said, "How can God bless you with more unless you show Him you can take care of little." Ouch. But thank God for real friends who can tell you the truth.
I constantly remind my children that life is not fair, so buck up and try harder. The Wii helps me teach valuable lessons...now, I can add a biblical one to that.
You think about it.