About a month ago, my pastor spoke on giving your worries to God. That God cannot do anything without faith, and if we still have hold of our worries, God's hands are tied. At the end of the service, he had us all pray together. We each told God about something we were worrying about, and we let it go.
I have a ministry at my church. It is a small, but very dedicated group. God uses us to minister to our own church as well as other churches where we perform. I told God I was worried that our group was not growing like I thought it should. Then again, who am I to presume how quickly God wanted it to grow? I gave this thought over to God and never thought about it again. It was now God's problem, not mine.
As soon as I took MY hands off of it, within two months I had members of our group tell me there were new people interested. I was enlightened. God reminded me of my prayer and how I was obedient to Him. Once I obeyed, God could "do His thang". Boy, did He.
At our informationl meeting for new people, our group went from 4 to 9!! We more than doubled. Sometimes God needs us to just step out of the way.
Do you have a worry that you are holding on to? Try giving it to God and NOT thinking about it again. Maybe He is waiting for you to let go.
Think about that....
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