Already this has been a fantastic year!! God is moving in might ways and I am ready for what He has planned for me!!
The last time I made a new year resolution, it was defaulted on in three days. So, I am not doing that this time.
This time, I am simply going to point my feet in the direction God wants me to go, and move. He cannot steer a parked car. I am going to begin learning ASL (the actual language, I already know signs), I am going to stay more organized and on top of my tasks, and I am going to focus on getting the sign choir out in front of more people. I am going to choose more edgy songs so we can get more attention when we are at public events. There are other things I am working on that I am not at liberty yet to divulge. Suffice it to say, those will be nice surprises when God works them out.
One of my best buddies said she was on the right road, but God was just widening it. That is exactly how I feel. God is widening my road. Maybe that should be my motto of 2010. I don't really have one, so if you come up with one, shoot me an email or comment.
Take an inventory of your life and areas God wants you to work on, and make a plan. Don't be flip about it, be serious and step out of the box. God is very out of the box...think about that.
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