If I hear one more person say "It wasn't my fault," I just may take off my shoe and pummel them.
Newsflash people: no one controls you but YOU. No one makes you get angry or overreact. No one makes you sit on your bedonkadonk and do nothing either. Everything you do or do not do in life, is your own choice.....yes, it is!
Don't tell me how bad your childhood was, or how mean someone has been to you...and don't tell me all the things wrong in your life. No, you cannot control what someone else does to you, but you can control how you react to it, and what YOU do next.
When you meet someone on the street, you have no idea what kind of life they have had. You are not the only one with problems. But, you may be the only one that can't get over it.
(OK, I warned you that the faint hearted need not read this. This is tough love here, and if you get upset or cry easily, then move along quickly)
When Jesus met people who had awful pasts, what did He do? I'll tell you...He forgave them, then told them to "go and sin so more." ......translation: I have forgiven you. Now, go forgive yourself, forget about all of your past, don't repeat the stupid stuff....and have a good life.
I know, it is too simple. I picture Jesus giving people the Gibbs head slap, and telling em to go on and stop being stupid.
Which means do not drag all your baggage around. Leave it at the feet of Jesus and WALK AWAY. How many times when you meet a stranger in line or something, do they tell you all about how much medicine they take, and all their ailments, and what's wrong with their family? That person wears their junk around like a badge of honor. Puh-leeze!!!
But, this is not the real reason for my rant. Everyone needs to be more considerate of others...stop being so needy that you are a drain on your friends and push them away. If someone does something nice for you, do something nice back. Don't always NEED something. Be a giver too.
If you go to a group like a Bible Study, and take your kids, offer to help watch them once a month. Do not make the same people have to miss the discussion cause you are too selfish to help out. Be a blessing to others. If you go to an event where you know there will be food, then take some to help out. And help clean up too. Do what you can when you can. Eventually it will be your turn.
If we are all takers, then eventually the givers will stop giving. Who will you abuse then?
There are times when you don't call a sitter, you do it yourself. There are times when you miss the bible study cause it is your turn to watch the little kids. If you don't, pretty soon there won't be a bible study....and you will have the nerve to wonder why? Duh.
In this great country where everyone wants to come and live...we have freedom. Freedom to go to school and get an education. Freedom to work more than one job to make more money. Freedom to start our own business and banks who will lend us money to do it. Heck, the government gives out money to help poor people while they look for a job.
So, you may not control that you grew up poor and on welfare, but you can control whether or not you get a job, and go to Wake Tech at night to get a degree so YOU don't live on welfare.
Think about all that....
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