Monday, September 28, 2009

Here it is!!! Here is the healthy, no sodium taco seasoning.
Makes one cup.
12 tsp chili powder
10 tsp paprika
9 tsp ground cumin
6 tsp onion powder
5 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp cayenne
Mix well. Store in airtight container for up to 6 months. For two large chicken breasts, I used 3 Tbs mix with 1/2 cup water. I let the cooked, cut up chicken simmer in mix until water was gone. Obviously, I made chicken tacos, but you could use hamburger. It smelled just like the packets we used to buy.
Last night, I made homemade mac and cheese. I will post that recipe later this week. Let me know what you think when you try it.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Work and Sam Goldwyn

Most of you may not have ever heard of Sam Goldwyn, but all of you have heard of MGM Studios. Sam Goldwyn was an American movie producer from 1882-1974. He was quoted as saying, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

Now, coming off of some stupid things our US government officials have done, I am in the mood to rant. I personally don't mind helping those who need help. By that I mean, those who are trying to help themselves. I do not agree with rewarding those who just don't want to work....and there are many like that. My homeowners insurance went up 38%. Why???? Because NC lawmakers decided we all needed to help those who owned a beachhouse to pay their high homeowners insurance. They made all of us pay for was spread all over the state. So, I pay $300 more for a beach house I do not have. If you cannot afford the house, SELL IT!!! (sorry, if you get offended easily, you better not continue reading.)

Why does the government think it is right to steal from the hard workers and give to the have not's? History proves, the lower the taxes and the less involvement from the government, the more people help those in need. I don't like to be forced. I tend to give less to the needy when the government is already taking so much from me.

An anonymous source said, "Some who are not paid what they are worth ought to be glad." I love this. I have met some of these people too. I know we all have.

To me, there is no excuse in this great USA, with all the opportunity here...for you not to achieve your dreams. For goodness sake, the government gives grants to poor people so they can go to college. Lots of groups will mentor small business owners for free. If you have a good business plan, you can get a small business loan and start your own. Heck, in America if you are good at a sport, you can get paid tons of money to play it for a living.

The governement has gone wrong in one key area....the saying, "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him for a lifetime." You don't give people money without job training or schooling. I believe the Democrats WANT their constituants uneducated and dependent...otherwise, they would use our tax money better. Handing poor people a check without helping them learn to change their circumstances just breeds more dependence. Why would you vote for someone who is not helping you? Why would you vote for someone who thinks you are too stupid to know the difference?

Sam Goldwyn worked hard and did well for himself. You can work hard AND smart, and do well in this great USA. Now, go think about that....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sodium and Other Junk in our food...

Most of you know at this point my mom is recovering from triple bypass. She has inspired my family to get healthy. Now, what you think is healthy, is NOT. There, I said it.

Go look at a can of soup. Look at the sodium content and multiply that by the number of servings in the can. Yikes!! I believe we should get no more that 1200 mg sodium per day.

Here is an eye opener: Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad 1200 mg in box
Kraft Deluxe mac and cheese 3720 mg in box
Hormel Complete Turkey and Dressing 1120 mg in box
Ken's Creamy Caesar Dressing 280 mg per 2 tablespoons (2240 in 8oz bottle)
Cheez It whole grain cheese crackers 250 mg sodium for 27 crackers (by far the best deal yet)
Cheerios 190 mg per 1 cup serving
Utz Baked Cheese Balls 260 per 32 balls
Pringles original flavor 150 mg per 16 chips (really not bad)
Chicken Noodle Soup 2250 mg in can
Progresso 40% less sodium Italian Wedding soup 960mg in can

Now, I told you this to open your eyes. I have not even told you about cholesterol and fat grams. I have found that if you research online, you can find sodium free recipes for about make from scratch. I have found taco seasoning, mexican rice, and I got some fresh corn on the cob too. Convenience foods will make your body sick.

Try to look at contents and make better choices for your family. Easier is not always better. With proper planning, you can eat fresh things right out of your freezer...things that you put there!! I will discuss more as I embark on my journey to healthier eating. If this taco stuff and rice is good, I will post the recipes here.

Think about what you are putting in your mouth and your children's mouths..........

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Quotes worth Pondering....

I love good quotes. LOVE THEM!! So, here are some I have come across lately. I will discuss some of them over the next few weeks.

Wag more, bark less. (bumper sticker on a earth biscuit's car)

A friend is a person who listens attentively while you say nothing. (anonymous)

Real friends are those who, when you've made a fool of yourself, don't feel you've done a permanent job.

It takes a great man to deal with catastrophe and an even greater one to prevent it. (anonymous)

A good leader takes more than his share of the blame, and a little less than his share of the credit. ( arnold glasgow)

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. (Abraham Lincoln)....let me say this is coming to fruition with our current Prez. Sad...

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (george santayana)

Bad officials are the ones elected by good people who do not vote. (george jean nathan)..ahem, hello? that is why we have Obama. Sad again.

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk. (Doug Larson)

Ok, I am done...there are tons and I could go on forever. Enjoy these and you think about that......

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Ok, I don't know where to begin my thoughts today. First, I do NOT watch MTV (not since 12th grade)...and I did NOT watch the awards, but I heard all over the news about Kanye West (I don't care if I misspelled it) jumping on stage while Taylor Swift made her speech. How rude was that? Don't you know his Mama was home watching her son get drunk on national television, and making a poop of himself!! This is not new, unfortunately.
Now, this morning we heard about Patrick Swayze passing away. Sad, yes. But, do we know where he was going? Did he take the UP elevator, or the DOWN one? I have been praying for revival in Hollywood for a while now. It would only take one influential person to make a big change.
Can you imagine movies being made with no sex, no cuss words, and no drinking? Back in the olden days, there were lots of clean movies. To me, it takes much more creativity to make a movie or tv show funny and clean. Think I LOVE LUCY, DICK VAN DYKE SHOW, ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW, COSBY SHOW...I could go on. Those were monster hits.
Notice when a kids movie comes out, it is always in the top 3 at the box office. Why? Cause there are NONE. People want that. We need it.
So, join me in praying for revival in Hollywood.....think if George Lucas became a Christain. Or Will Smith....Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Steven Spielbgerg, Ron Howard. Don't laugh.
Think about that.....

Friday, September 11, 2009


Thank you to all the soldiers who are overseas and sacrificing so much to help keep our country free. Thank you to the families left behind who share their family member so we can be free.

I'm the ones who lost a loved one in the 9/11 attacks. Please know that we shared your pain that day. We cried with you, and still cry when we think about it. We are teaching our children about the truth of that day.

Freedom is never free. Remember that....

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How the Lost Get Found

I heard a song on the radio yesterday and the chorus said this:

Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire go out
Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found

Now, I know as Christians we are both other Christians and non-christians. I have had people tell me that they had been watching me, and my example was a testimony to them. I had no idea I was being scrutinized. God was using me and I did not know it.

So, first, if you are a road rage driver, take the fish off your car. DO NOT mess up Jesus' example. Second, pray and have God tell you things you may be doing that are hindering others from coming to Him. Like, drinking wine or beer. In and of itself, this is fine...but if it makes a non-Christian think you are full of it, then God can't use you to minister to them. If you play the lottery, and non-christians are watching you...what does that tell them? If you honestly ask God, He will honestly tell you.

You are being either a wonderful example or a horrible warning. Think about it. Which one are you? Are you full of love and kindness, or do you think everyone in the world but you is stupid, and therefore you have a bad attitude?

I met a lady who was not full of joy or kindness, and when I f ound out she knew the Lord, I had to hide my shock. Would the people at your work be surprised to know you were a Christian? How about your neighbors? Your family? We draw others to Jesus cause we are different. No one wants what the world has, they want what WE have. Shine your Light. You can make a difference in a life, and you may not even know about it until Heaven.

Our church sign language choir is performing at the Clayton Harvest Festival on Sept 19. We are going out on the mission field and minister to some people who may not have ever set foot in a church...or who may not know anything about Jesus' love. I pray God uses us to hold their attention long enough to hear His message...and hopefully spark something in them that gets them to a local church. God can use ANYTHING to draw people to Him...even YOU.
Think about that.....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


First, let me say Condolances to the Baysden family. Their 8 year old daughter passed away yesterday from an aggressive form of cancer. She is with Jesus now, in His arms and no longer in pain.

A friend of mine, just this morning, asked me what I would be willing to endure joyfully for God? Would I joyfully let myself be beaten and hanged, singing hymns the whole time and praising God? Would you watch your child be beaten and hanged, while praising God? None of us know exactly how we would react because we have never had to in the USA. I pray we never will. Think about right now, what would you be willing to do?

If the leaders of the country said we could not purchase anything (gas, food, electricity, water) unless we rejected Christ, could you? Could you watch your kids starve?

I know I am being very exagerrated. I am just trying to get you to think. Another friend of mine said the reason our country is in the state it is in now is because Christians have sat back and done NOTHING for so long. I am NOT a democrat or a socialist...I support conservative views, not handouts. Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

I have said to my hubby many times, to get people out to vote and get them excited, Congress should threaten to take away the right for women to vote. No one cares about their freedoms until you try to take them away. Freedom is NEVER free.

You think about that.......

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Life is Precious

I know it has been a while, but let me say, life is precious. None of us know how many days we have left. None of us know how many days our family members have left. When is the last time you said "I love you" to someone close to you? When is the last time you said it to your mom, dad, brother, sister, best friend, spouse, or child?

The last time you got into an argument with someone close to you, was it over something important or something petty? Did you apologize or are you still holding a childish grudge "because you didn't start it, so you should not have to apologize first" ?

My mom had unexpected triple bypass surgery day before yesterday. She went to the doctor with what she thought was an anxiety attack. Turns out, she had a mild heart attack. In less than three days, she was having open heart surgery. Talk about clearing your mind!! Suddenly, the important things seem very important and the small things seem very petty.

Think about the last thing you said to anyone. Is that the last thing you would want them to hear from you? Let's stop being petty, and grow up. Let's see life for what it is...a gift from God. Now, go think about that.....