Friday, February 17, 2012


I have been thinking a lot the past 6 months about what God wants us to do as Christians and as THE CHURCH.

I promise you He does not want us just hanging out at church. He wants us to go out into the community....tell about His love, help people know there is hope in Jesus.  Jesus was a trouble maker. He was always in the bad parts of town, hanging out with the riff raff that no one else would be seen with. He was walking the a BIG way. Why do we think we can just sit in our pews and expect people to walk in our churches off the street? They don't. People want to know we care...that we mean it.

Haven't you ever heard the saying: people don't care how much you know, till they know how much you care? It is true.

I think we need to embrace our inner trouble maker and do what Jesus would do....which is NOT sit in our seats and wait for the masses to come to us. The devil makes sure that won't happen.
If this is outside your comfort zone, then good. That is where we need to be. We aren't growing if we are satisfied where we are....instead we become complacent and ineffective.

God has moved me outside my comfort zone, and I am discovering I like it better there. So, ask God what kind of community outreach He would have you do..and do it. I promise there is someone out there waiting for you to speak up.

Embrace your inner  trouble maker. Go think about that............