OK, I absolutely love, love, love to read. I read Christian fiction, usually in the category of suspense/sci fi. BUT, I will read some general fiction.
So, first let me tell you some of my favorite books that I have read IN THE LAST YEAR...
If you like Christian fantasy/sci fi, you will love:
Ted Dekker: Blink, Black, Red, White, Saint (yes, all of those are one word titles)
If you like mystery/ suspense, you will love:
Randy Alcorn: Deception, Dominion
Kathy Herman: too many to list
If you like Christian romance, you will love:
Karen Kingsbury
Beverly Lewis: The Brethren
If you like an author who can write about several genres, try:
Melody Carlson: Armando's Treasure, The Christmas Bus, An Irish Christmas, The Gift of Christmas Present, I Heart Bloomberg (one in a series of 3)
From time to time, I will list more of my favorite books. Tim LaHaye wrote a series that was like Christian Indian Jones. Maybe I will tell you about those next time. But, feel free to ask me if I have read an author or a book if you want my opinion. AND, if you read a great book and want to share, feel free to let me know about it. Just make sure it is a Christian book please. Thanks.
I, for one, also like the Janette Oke books, even though I read them when I was much younger. My favorite is the Canadian West series... ahhhh. I'm reading them again, and will continue to do so for many years to come. There's just something about those pioneering days that I love so much :)