Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who Are You???

Who you are when no one is looking, is who you are....

I put this as my Facebook status earlier this week. I try to live by this and teach my kids to live by this. If you try, you'll soon find out it is difficult sometimes. By nature we tend to go the easier follow the crowd. If you do that long, you'll find out it is much better to go on a less traveled path.

So, who are you?

Do you cheat on your taxes?

Do you tell what Lucy Ricardo calls "social fibbs"? That is, do you find it easy to tell a white lie to get out of dinner with a friend or helping someone with something? Oh, and by the way, a lie is a lie...they don't have colors.

If you find cash on the floor of Harris Teeter, do you put it in your pocket or take it to customer service?

If you go to Chick Fil A with your mom, do you go sit down and let her order two senior meals so you can get yours at a discount? (yes, this is a lie)

I could go on, but you get the idea. I have been made fun of in my life because I chose to do the right thing. I didn't care because I am sure of who I am in Christ. I am sure the Lord used me as an example to people in that way.

So who are you? If you find it easy to lie, then there is a problem. Hit your knees now and repent, and ask God to help make it very hard for you to lie.

Would you punish your child if they did or said some of the things you do or say? Then you need to stop. Would you do or say those things right to Jesus' face? If not, don't do them to anyone.

God holds us to a very high standard. So as you go about your day, pay attention to what you do or say to others. Are you honest or do you lie?

Who you are when no one is looking, is who you are. Now, go think about that.....

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