I saw one of my friends on Facebook say as churches we should be fishers of men, not keepers of the aquarium. Stop and think about what that means. It is truly profound and I thank that friend for sharing it.
Not too many weeks ago, my pastor spoke about if we are to go and get the unchurched and bring them in...are we ready for what that means. He went on to say that means the homosexual, the pimp, the child molester, the prostitute.......how will we handle that? Can we love and teach without judging? Do we realize that those people will not change overnight? Well, he made a valid point. Most churches are happy with the nice congretation they have. They don't want new people because that would make them have to actually DO what the Bible says to do, that is love. We like our little comfort zone and we like the status quo. Beware, that turns us into lukewarm Christians, and you know what God does with those...the vomits them out of His mouth.
Status quo is being a keeper of the church aquarium. God likes to stretch us. God wants us to learn and love more. He can't steer a parked car. Is your church parked, or are they moving forward listening to what God wants to do? My church is definitely moving forward. God has placed many people with a vision of what our church could do and could be. Fortunately, we have a pastor with that same vision. My church is NOT a keeper of the aquarium. We know how to fish...we are in the south for Pete's sake. Ha,ha,ha.
Now, that is not to say that there are some peeps in my church that try to keep their own little aquarium. Fortunately, most of us are on the move. Jesus said we should be fishers of men. Go into all the world and preach the good news of the gospel. We catch em, He cleans em. ( I love that.)
Now, are you a fisherman or do you keep an aquarium?? You think about that.....
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