What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly.
Thomas Paine said this. He lived from 1787 to 1809 and he wrote Common Sense, a pamphlet advocating colonial America's independence from Great Britian. He was against organized religion, and it got him kicked out of America. Only by presidential invitation did he come back here. But that is not why I am discussing him. He wrote this deep, profound, and timeless quote. Let me tell you what is says to me...
Think of our children. Most kids today are given anything and everything they want. They have cell phones at 8, PSP's (which are at least $175.00), iPods, X-box, and a computer. Most kids have a tv in their rooms with cable access (what?) and a DVD player.
How many of us make our kids earn what they get? It's no wonder they are bored with one thing in a week, and want something more. They don't appreciate it because they never had to work for it. That goes from adults too. This country is very rich....even our poor are richer than in most countries.
Now, think of our college age generation. They protest government, and support liberal programs because life should be fair(gag). News flash, ladies and gentlemen, life is NOT fair. Never has been. Our younger people disagree with war, and that is fine. But, like it or not, freedom is not free. The only reason you have the freedom to protest war is because someone came before you and fought for that right. Wake up and smell the venti caramel lattes!
The soldiers over in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan understand. I promise you they appreciate every ounce of freedom most of us take for granted each day. Have you all forgotten about the terrorist attacks in 2001? America is not immune.
You all need to thank a soldier today. WE ARE THE LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE....
think about that.
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