I love good quotes. One of my faves is by Vince Lombardi......The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.
Ha, that is sooo true. Just ask any millionaire. Most business tycoons spent many countless hours working hard to find success. You have to try and find what works...usually through some failures. But, when you find what works and you kick it up a notch. That is the best!!!
Think of someone who is successful at something: Tiger Woods, Warren Buffett, Donald Trump, Ron Howard, or George Lucas (sorry, but I love Star Wars).....all of them put sweat and long hours into what they did. For sports, you have to practice many hours, for business the same thing. George Lucas went through several companies before he got someone to be interested in his work.
No one gets something for nothing. Well, they should not anyway. I know the culture in America today is moving towards entitlement mentality. Everyone has their hand out for the government to take care of them. Not me. I am smart and capable, and God will help me do whatever He wants me to do. I do not need a handout.
I wish more people in this country had pride in themselves and their abilities....imagine how awesome we would be if those on walfare actually tried to get off of it and the government tried to help them instead of keeping them dependant.
Think about that........
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