I heard a song on the radio yesterday and the chorus said this:
Don't let your lights go down
Don't let your fire go out
Cause somewhere, somebody needs a reason to believe
Why don't you rise up now?
Don't be afraid to stand out
That's how the lost get found
Now, I know as Christians we are watched....by both other Christians and non-christians. I have had people tell me that they had been watching me, and my example was a testimony to them. I had no idea I was being scrutinized. God was using me and I did not know it.
So, first, if you are a road rage driver, take the fish off your car. DO NOT mess up Jesus' example. Second, pray and have God tell you things you may be doing that are hindering others from coming to Him. Like, drinking wine or beer. In and of itself, this is fine...but if it makes a non-Christian think you are full of it, then God can't use you to minister to them. If you play the lottery, and non-christians are watching you...what does that tell them? If you honestly ask God, He will honestly tell you.
You are being either a wonderful example or a horrible warning. Think about it. Which one are you? Are you full of love and kindness, or do you think everyone in the world but you is stupid, and therefore you have a bad attitude?
I met a lady who was not full of joy or kindness, and when I f ound out she knew the Lord, I had to hide my shock. Would the people at your work be surprised to know you were a Christian? How about your neighbors? Your family? We draw others to Jesus cause we are different. No one wants what the world has, they want what WE have. Shine your Light. You can make a difference in a life, and you may not even know about it until Heaven.
Our church sign language choir is performing at the Clayton Harvest Festival on Sept 19. We are going out on the mission field and minister to some people who may not have ever set foot in a church...or who may not know anything about Jesus' love. I pray God uses us to hold their attention long enough to hear His message...and hopefully spark something in them that gets them to a local church. God can use ANYTHING to draw people to Him...even YOU.
Think about that.....