Now, coming off of some stupid things our US government officials have done, I am in the mood to rant. I personally don't mind helping those who need help. By that I mean, those who are trying to help themselves. I do not agree with rewarding those who just don't want to work....and there are many like that. My homeowners insurance went up 38%. Why???? Because NC lawmakers decided we all needed to help those who owned a beachhouse to pay their high homeowners insurance. They made all of us pay for it...it was spread all over the state. So, I pay $300 more for a beach house I do not have. If you cannot afford the house, SELL IT!!! (sorry, if you get offended easily, you better not continue reading.)
Why does the government think it is right to steal from the hard workers and give to the have not's? History proves, the lower the taxes and the less involvement from the government, the more people help those in need. I don't like to be forced. I tend to give less to the needy when the government is already taking so much from me.
An anonymous source said, "Some who are not paid what they are worth ought to be glad." I love this. I have met some of these people too. I know we all have.
To me, there is no excuse in this great USA, with all the opportunity here...for you not to achieve your dreams. For goodness sake, the government gives grants to poor people so they can go to college. Lots of groups will mentor small business owners for free. If you have a good business plan, you can get a small business loan and start your own. Heck, in America if you are good at a sport, you can get paid tons of money to play it for a living.
The governement has gone wrong in one key area....the saying, "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach him to fish, feed him for a lifetime." You don't give people money without job training or schooling. I believe the Democrats WANT their constituants uneducated and dependent...otherwise, they would use our tax money better. Handing poor people a check without helping them learn to change their circumstances just breeds more dependence. Why would you vote for someone who is not helping you? Why would you vote for someone who thinks you are too stupid to know the difference?
Sam Goldwyn worked hard and did well for himself. You can work hard AND smart, and do well in this great USA. Now, go think about that....
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