Tuesday, September 8, 2009


First, let me say Condolances to the Baysden family. Their 8 year old daughter passed away yesterday from an aggressive form of cancer. She is with Jesus now, in His arms and no longer in pain.

A friend of mine, just this morning, asked me what I would be willing to endure joyfully for God? Would I joyfully let myself be beaten and hanged, singing hymns the whole time and praising God? Would you watch your child be beaten and hanged, while praising God? None of us know exactly how we would react because we have never had to in the USA. I pray we never will. Think about right now, what would you be willing to do?

If the leaders of the country said we could not purchase anything (gas, food, electricity, water) unless we rejected Christ, could you? Could you watch your kids starve?

I know I am being very exagerrated. I am just trying to get you to think. Another friend of mine said the reason our country is in the state it is in now is because Christians have sat back and done NOTHING for so long. I am NOT a democrat or a socialist...I support conservative views, not handouts. Bad things happen when good people do nothing.

I have said to my hubby many times, to get people out to vote and get them excited, Congress should threaten to take away the right for women to vote. No one cares about their freedoms until you try to take them away. Freedom is NEVER free.

You think about that.......

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