Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day

When you have children, you are constantly promoting respect for your elders. When it comes to Dad and Mom, you also promote all the things they do for you on a daily basis. Things they don't have to do, but choose to because they love you: feed you, fix you juice, make your lunch, drive you to school, etc.

This Father's Day, make sure to talk to your children about all the things Dad does that they don't even think about as important: mow the lawn, change a high lightbulb, hook up the VCR, throw baseball, take us on vacation, charge the camera batteries, work hard so we have money for food and a house.

Then, tell them what their Heavenly Father did for them: He gave His only son for us. He was sent to die and to be a sacrifice for us. Now, we can be cleansed and forgiven. Now, we have grace and mercy. Now, we have authority over the devil. Now, we will be in Heaven with our Father. Thank God for all He has done and all He continues to do. Remind them that as much as you love your children, God loves them even MORE.

Think about that.

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