Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How Great (and big) is our God..

Good Morning!
A buddy of mine (thanks Bethany) sent me a video to watch on YouTube. It was this guy Louis Giglio (I think) speaking at a church in Atlanta, GA. He loved science and was explaining how God made the universe. He quoted scripture from Genesis 1...God said, "Let there be light." He spoke it and it happened. Psalms 147:4 says God knows each star by name.

Well, as scientists discover stars, they name them. Mr. Giglio was showing some of the biggest stars ever discovered, telling us how big they were compared to us, and that God spoke them. God is so big, he spoke these huge stars into being.

If that weren't inspiring enough, he began to discuss our DNA code. How much code we each have in our cells, and how no two codes are alike, and if we stretched one cell's code out, it would take 3 million years to read it all. God made us each so unique.

Then, the "piece de resistance", if you will pardon my french is laminin. I did not know what this was, never heard of it. This is the glue that holds our bodies together. It keeps our cells together, keeps our organs where they should be, and keeps our skin on us. What is so amazing about this? If you look at the cell diagram of laminin (Google it to get a picture), it is in the shape of a cross. That means God gave us tiny crosses to hold us together. We have tiny crosses all over out bodies keeping us together...keeping us glued.

Think about that.
Check out this guy on Youtube
This is only part one of 5. It is well worth it. You will never see the universe or God the same again.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry..had to delete my last post...somehow it had my name as Coordinator? I said..
    I love the cross that is found in the black hole in the Whirlpool Galaxy too (can't remember which part of his video it was in) just amazes me how He confirms that He is EVERYWHERE and that He is the CREATOR of ALL!!! Praise the Lord!
